Housebound: Family-Friendly Documentary Shows on Streaming Services | Kids Out and About Phoenix

Housebound: Family-Friendly Documentary Shows on Streaming Services

by Katie Beltramo

The weather is terrible, and it could be a long day. How about watching something that will both entertain and teach everyone something? Yes, a few of these might be too much for your very youngest kids, but you're likely to find at least a couple for anyone who's home today.

For budding scientists:

Satisfy your curiosity:

For sports fans:

For animal lovers:

To inspire wanderlust:


 If you're not sure if a movie's a good idea for your family, a great resource is


Katie Beltramo is KidsOutAndAbout's Director of Communications


Instant items come and go on streaming servies . Here's a list of documentaries that have been available streaming before, but are currently only available via DVD:
