Wednesdays Kids Eat Free (or cheap!) in Phoenix | Kids Out and About Phoenix

Wednesdays Kids Eat Free (or cheap!) in Phoenix

Parents love deals and kids love going out to eat at Restaurants - so, brings you this master list of where to find the Kids Eat Free and other Kids Meal Deals around the Phoenix area!   Keep in mind, all of these deals are subject to change at any time and it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you call to verify deals before dragging all the kids out to eat.   Most (if not all) deals have some fine print to consider, common conditions may include:

      • Dine in only 
      • Not valid with other specials, deals, coupons
      • A purchase of a full priced adult meal, or a limit to the number of Kids Deals that can accompany each adult meal
      • May not include drinks
      • Age limits - I have seen under-3, under-8, and under-12 most frequently.

Specific details for the restaurants included in this resource can be found by clicking on the links below.  It is recommended that you verify conditions for the Meal Deals ahead of time, to ensure that details have not changed!  KidsOutAndAbout strives to bring you the most updated information, any updates you can provide us are much appreciated as well.

 Look for another day:

OR Bring me to the Master List!

Know of a deal we missed?  Contact Meg and let her know:
